The $2.5billion issue was three times oversubscribed and was the first sovereign paper by any Latin American government since January… In his recent interview with LatAm INVESTOR, Panama’s new president, Laurentino Cortizo, recalls the “epic battle”…
Focus on US value trumps trade concerns
By Fran Radano, Senior Investment Manager, The North American Income Trust plc Steady global growth ahead if trade negotiations produce a positive settlement.Bank valuations remain too low following de-risking, low defaults and good quality loan…
What a US-China trade deal could mean for investors For Professional Investors Only
Summary In a Q&A with Neil Dwane, Christiaan Tuntono says China will likely agree to reduce the trade deficit and support IP protections, but not roll back “Made in China 2025”. Mona Mahajan thinks an…
New Year Resolution?
The 5th of February marked the start of Chinese New Year, ushering in the Year of the Pig. Pigs are said to be generous and enthusiastic and though they may not stand out from the…
China Calling
A guide to the breathtaking rise of mobile and internet companies in China and the investment opportunities they offer. Accelerating growth, evolving technology and huge end user demand make telecoms and the internet key…
China: finding the next growth engine
The Chinese economy is likely to be subdued over the medium term, but pockets of growth and potential remain. Nicholas Yeo, Head of Equities, China and Hong Kong, explains.
Market review – China will bounce back
Economists have often said “when America sneezes, the world catches a cold” reflecting the importance of the US to the global economy. But the past 12 months suggest the world’s immune system is more sensitive…
It’s important for investors to acknowledge and be comfortable with China’s slower growth
The AIC has collated views from investment company managers on China. It’s already been a tough start to the year for the Chinese market, as the Chinese New Year, the year of the monkey approaches…