A difficult balancing act

Alex Scott, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Seven Investment Management Investors face a potentially difficult balancing act today. There is much to be positive – even optimistic – about. Most major economies are growing at or…

What’s in a name?

Ben Kumar, Investment Manager, Seven Investment Management Have a look at this list: 1.          Apple 2.         Alphabet 3.          Microsoft 4.         Amazon 5.          Berkshire Hathaway 6.         Johnson & Johnson 7.          Facebook 8.         Alibaba Group 9.          Tencent…

Deciphering the Message from the Bond Markets

This week’s report is a little shorter than usual due to both non work commitments and also a sense that our market views are slightly out of synch with what is actually happening. This occurs…

Where to go from here?

Over the past year the world has put on an impressive display of sang-froid in the face of some extraordinary political developments. Although the ultimate real world consequences of the Brexit vote and the Trump…

Tracking the economy

Ben Kumar, Investment Manager, Seven Investment Management In finance ‘footsie’ means something other than tangle-toed flirting. The FTSE 100 is the first stock index encountered by newcomers to the world of finance. It is often…

The mixed messages are concerning

Ben Kumar, Investment Manager, Seven Investment Management When we look at the financial markets, the mixed messages are concerning. By extrapolating today’s low interest rate environment almost indefinitely into the future, quality government bond markets…

Erratic Price Action Within a Period of Change

With summer vacations at their height, perhaps it is to be expected that price movements could become a little erratic. Political, economic and central bank headlines seemed to come thick and fast with price action…

‘Peak’ everything?

John Pattullo, Co-Head of Strategic Fixed Income In the 1980s I remember writing an economics homework essay about how the world was going to run out of oil by the year 2000 — Marion King…

Plus ça change: credit crunch 10 years on

Chris Darbyshire, Chief Investment Officer, Seven Investment Management Viewers of Paramount’s ‘The Big Short’, will remember a scene towards the end of the film when the US housing market is in freefall, mortgages are defaulting…