John Pattullo, Co-Fund Manager of Henderson Diversified Income Trust, explains why the team is increasing the portfolio's exposure to government debt.
In this update, Mark Whitehead, Portfolio Manager, assesses the change in US federal income tax and opportunities for dividend growth in the tech sector. WHAT CAUGHT YOUR EYE THIS MONTH? In the US, the first…
Video: Introducing Witan Investment Trust
Introduction to Witan Investment Trust. Although our roots are old, our strategy is anything but. This short video introduction to Witan Investment Trust explains the trust’s key strategies and multi manager approach.
Fund in Focus (video)
Chris Garsten, manager of the Waverton European Capital Growth Fund, discusses what he sees as the long term stock picking opportunities in Europe (As at 31.03.17).
Platform Portfolios (video) For Professional Investors Only
Jeff Keen, a member of the MPS team and Asset Allocation Committee, reviews the performance of the portfolios over the last quarter and our outlook for investment markets.
What are the prospects for markets and the investment company industry in 2017? (video)
[embed][/embed] The AIC talks to Bruce Stout, manager of Murray International, Peter Ewins, manager of F&C Global Smaller Companies and James Henderson, manager of Lowland, Law Debenture and Henderson Opportunities, about what 2017 may…
A prescription for providing 21st century healthcare (video)
Global healthcare systems are reaching breaking point. In developed markets, rising costs, aging and growing populations, an increase of chronic and communicable diseases are the perpetual and metaphorical headache. In developing markets, systems and infrastructure…
Video: Guide to investment companies
An introducton to investment companies, by the AIC, aimed at retail investors.
Welcome to Asia in 2030 (video)
Think long term. Think Asia. Watch the video below to find out why you should consider investing in Asia.
Risk is not a number (video)
Risk means different things to different people; its essence is embedded in the eye of the beholder. Watch the video below to find out more.
Seven Deadly Sins of multi-asset investing
Don't be led astray or make decisions for the wrong reasons. Watch Aberdeen Asset Management's guide to the seven deadly sins of multi-asset investing now. Narrated by Joanna Lumley.
Ten Golden Rules of Equity Investing (video)
We have distilled our insights from the world of investing into ten succinct rules. None of them should surprise and they all share one distinct trait: a belief in common sense. While the sentiment behind…